
BiomarkerBay is born: first signatures on the agreement

On 13 November 2015, the BiomarkerBay contract between the University Medical Center (UMCG), the University of Groningen  (RuG) and the five Northern Dutch clinical research organizations QPS, ABL, Syncom, IQ products and BrainsOnline has been signed. BiomarkerBay is officially born!

 The region of Northern Netherlands is growing fast into the life sciences business sector, thanks to a large group of biotech and diagnostic companies, top-notch contract research organizations and a renowned University and Medical Center. Independently, the different institutions are highly acknowledged in the field of biomarker research, bioanalytical services, drug discovery, early diagnosis and health care. BiomarkerBay aims to connect all the different entities in a jointed platform with the goals to identify, align and build upon the extensive resources in the field of biomarker research that are already available in the region, in order to create market value and more business opportunities.

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