Unique biomarker and biobanking expertise
- Strong collaborations with clinical biomarker experts
- Connection with patient cohorts and large population biobanks
- Set-up of prospective collection for biomarker research

Current collaborations:
Large population cohorts
- Lifelines - Biomedical, genetic, environmental and psychosocial factors, 165.000 participants, since 2006 (website)
Birth cohorts
- Lifelines NEXT - Biomedical, genetic, environmental and psychosocial factors, 500 mothers and their baby’s included, since 2016 (website)
- GECKO study - Environmental and genetic risk factors for childhood obesity, 2500 participants, since 2006
Patient cohorts – Overview of therapeutic areas
Biobanks for Oncology:
- OncoLifeS– newly diagnosed Oncology patients
- Lung cancer
- Prostate cancer
- Colon Rectal cancer oncology
- Head and neck cancer
- Ovarian and cervical cancer
- Testicular cancer
- Hematological cancers
Biobanks for cardio-metabolic:
- CardioLines - Cardiac patients
- TransplantLines - Aging and health conditions in transplant patients
- Heart failure related diseases
- Diabetes type I and II
- Diabetes type II-related kidney disease
- Obesity and diet intervention
- Acute kidney injury
Biobanks for neuroscience:
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Parkinson's disease
- Depression and anxiety disorders
Biobanks for inflammatory disorders:
- Inflammatory bowel disease, Ulcerative colitis, Chron’s disease
- Hidradenitis suppurativa
- Spondyloartritis
- Multiple sclerosis
Biobanks for Respiratory research
Access to samples will be granted through BiomarkerBay, if the research questions conform with the rules and objectives of the individual biobanks, and is in agreement with their access policy and informed consent.
For detailed information over the sample collections and additional indication areas, please contact us.